Sunday, July 8, 2007

Adoption of General Public License Version 3: Keeping Track

One of the major questions in the open source community is whether projects will adopt the General Public License Version 3. Although I have stated in my previous post that the GPLv3 has significant advantages over GPLv2, inertia is tough to overcome. We have no prior history on this question because, in the past, projects did not have a choice between different versions of the General Public License. One challenge in answering this question is tracking these conversions because the information is very dispersed. Fortunately, Palamida, the software management firm, is now tracking these conversions on their website:

They count 116 conversions in the first week after the release of GPLv3. However, because this first week included July 4th, it may not be representative. Thanks to Palamida for making it easier to track these changes.